Autumn 24
selfportrait in blue69 selfportrait in blue69selfportrait in blue69
o let it be o let it beo let it be
o let it be o let it beo let it be
b thunderstorm b thunderstormb thunderstorm
b raindrops palau de les arts reina b raindrops palau de les arts reinab raindrops palau de les arts reina
b raindrops palau de les arts reina b raindrops palau de les arts reinab raindrops palau de les arts reina
b raindrops palau de les arts reina b raindrops palau de les arts reinab raindrops palau de les arts reina
b raindrops palau de les arts reina b raindrops palau de les arts reinab raindrops palau de les arts reina
b raindrops palau de les arts reina b raindrops palau de les arts reinab raindrops palau de les arts reina
b earthquake b earthquakeb earthquake
b disaster b disasterb disaster
b chaos in red b chaos in redb chaos in red
b before the disaster b before the disasterb before the disaster
a run for summer sale15 a run for summer sale15a run for summer sale15
a not accepted a not accepteda not accepted
11 indian summer 11 indian summer11 indian summer
11 indian summer b4 11 indian summer b411 indian summer b4
11 indian summer b3 11 indian summer b311 indian summer b3
11 fusion 11 fusion11 fusion
11 framed in blue 11 framed in blue11 framed in blue
11 embryonal cell division 11 embryonal cell division11 embryonal cell division
5d pollution 5d pollution5d pollution
5d pollution 5d pollution5d pollution
5d fly attempt on a sunny day 5d fly attempt on a sunny day5d fly attempt on a sunny day
5d sunny day on the old farm 5d sunny day on the old farm5d sunny day on the old farm
5c anchoring 5c anchoring5c anchoring
5b stability 5b stability5b stability
5b eye witness 5b eye witness5b eye witness
5b eye witness 5b eye witness5b eye witness
5b eye witness 5b eye witness5b eye witness
5b eye witness 5b eye witness5b eye witness
5b eye witness 5b eye witness5b eye witness
03 trying to remember 03 trying to remember03 trying to remember
03 lost in ... 03 lost in ...03 lost in ...
03 i wonder... 03 i wonder...03 i wonder...
2 that i loved so well 2 that i loved so well2 that i loved so well
2 that i loved so well 2 that i loved so well2 that i loved so well
01 sunrise 01 sunrise01 sunrise
01 morning light 01 morning light01 morning light
01 horisontal view 01 horisontal view01 horisontal view
0c behind the shield 0c behind the shield0c behind the shield
0b behind the shield 0b behind the shield0b behind the shield
0a stealth 0a stealth0a stealth
0 the shield 0 the shield0 the shield